At the start of London Fashion week I was very kindly invited to the Gibraltar Embassy to view the creations of four exciting emerging fashion designers. This intimate fashion presentation transformed the embassy into a luxurious gallery, allowing us a sneak peak into the imaginations of each designer. Whilst sipping on champagne and tasting the canapes, we had the opportunity to meet each designer and chat to them about their creations and the inspiration behind their designs.
Instagram - @elecie
Gail Howard
Instagram - @gailhowarddesigns
Winner of the Runway New Designer Competition 2016
Maria Bustillos Stella Courtney & Maria Bustillos
Instagram - @mariabustill0s
Stella Courtney
Instagram - @stella.courtney
Video of the day made by music/fashion & event photographer Yvonne Shearer
Instagram - @Ycbs
Twitter - @Yshearer
And at 0.17 seconds you can see a flash of me walking past a rail with my pink satchel and champagne in hand!
I hope you enjoyed seeing a little snippet into this fashion fulled event run in association with The Freelancer Club, a company dedicated to helping creative freelance talent achieve their goals. I am looking forward to their next event!
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