Sunday, 22 February 2015

Lush - Unicorn Horn Review

I have recently become a huge Lush fan, nothing like a hot relaxing bubble bath after a day of sewing! Although I have discovered my new found love quite late on as the flat I'll be living in next year has no bath... dundundun.... guess I'll have to save my 'treatyoself' baths for when I go home! I popped into Lush with friend and fellow(new) blogger Rebecca DIRECT LINK , and I was mesmerised by this unicorn horn shaped bubble bar, those swirls of candy colours, the sparkly specs of glitter, the mere fact that this would be at least 2 baths in one product... how could I leave this beauty behind?! Exactly.. there was no way I could, so I bought it, I mean it would be rude not to. :)

This product makes a lot of bubbles, infact I've managed to get 3 baths from it. I am not sure how much lavender is in the product as I personally am not a fan of that scent and this doesn't resemble it at all! It does have the properties of lavender though, leaving you feeling relaxed and sleepy whilst lying in a bath filled with glitter.... it's all quite magical really! As much I Love glitter, and that capital 'L' was on purpose to emphasize my love for it, I don't particularly enjoy the mess it makes or the idea of washing only to come out of the bath with glitter stuck to me so this bubble bath is perfect, as the glitter is so fine that it manages to just dance in the water and not stick to your skin.

Let me know if you've tried this bubble bar and what you think?!


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