Wednesday 7 November 2018

Beauty | A spritz a day makes the makeup stay | Urban Decay de-slick setting spray

My main makeup goal is to create a look at 8am, go an entire day at work, then maybe meet a friend for supper, head home and BAM my makeup is still in place, so I am down to try every product that sells me this dream!

de-slick Travel Size - £10 - LINK | de-slick Full Size - £24 - LINK

Urban Decay are pretty infamous for their all nighter foundation, concealer and setting spray but seeing as I have 'fry an egg on it' oily skin I thought it was best to try out their de-slick spray as it's free of oil and even contains patented temperature control technology (so maybe one for any sweaty bettys / menopausal gals)

The packaging is quite basic but it does the job! It has a matte finish which obviously makes sense to the product, however, it means the packaging does get filthy. It comes with one large lid and a small one inside, which I got rid of straight away. The spray is just perfect, it spritzs you just the right amount so your face has the best chance of staying matte but doesn't soak you and ruin your makeup!

So how do I apply it? Well, you simply shake the bottle and then spray on your face in an 'X', I do normally just keep on going as it's also a rather refreshing step to my makeup routine! It feels weightless and dries quickly. For anyone else that's just anxious about life and finds the idea of closing their eyes and spraying this on their face panic attack inducing, do not fear, if I could get used to, it so can you!

I have to say this works wonders and this really keeps me from looking like ye'olde chippy by 3pm! I now can't leave the house without having sprayed this over my makeup as I just know my makeup won't have any hope of staying on my face all day without it! I highly recommend this product!


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