Sunday 7 October 2018

People who do things | #8 Publicity Officer

Welcome back to People who do things, if you're new to the series make sure to check out the 7 other interviews we've had so far which include a Fashion Designer, Teacher and Editor! As a book worm I am very excited to be introducing you to Sofia, Penguin Book's Publicity Officer in Australia, she'll be sharing the perks and her favourite parts of her new job....

What did you want to do when you were younger? I wanted to be an author as I liked writing stories and reading about new worlds like Harry Potter, Rangers Apprentice etc so writing became a passion of mine.

What's your education and career path been to get to your current role as Penguin Book's Publicity Officer? I have a high school education and have almost finished a bachelor in communication. For my role however, I've done a lot of internships at writers festivals and editorial placements.

Can you explain what your role is and what a day in the office looks like for you? I assist the publicity team and sometimes handle books myself.  Everyday is different from mail duties, answering emails, organising book requests etc.

What's the best part of your job? When you're working a desk job it's hard to feel connected to others and having people who are supportive and chat to you makes things so much rewarding and I am in a really supportive team.  I don't only go for work but to also make friends and positive connections.

What's your side hustle? I'm a photographer and gamer in my spare time. I'm also a book blogger LINK.

What advice do you have for others considering this as their position? Get experience in the field before applying as experience is what will make things so much easier for you.

What would you be doing if you weren't a publicity officer? Probably writing my own book or working in hospitality.

And finally the question we all want to know the answer of, what are the perks of the job? We get lots of free or highly discounted books, which is great as books are so expensive!

A massive thank you to Sofia for taking the time to share a little about her job, I hope you found this interesting and keep tuned for a lot more interviews, I shall be posting a new 'people who do things' every other Sunday, So your next one will be up on Sunday 21st October.

If you're in a job that you love make sure to DM me on Instagram @greatestformofflatteryblog and I can feature you!


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